About Us

Holy Spirit Parish is a vibrant, welcoming, diverse, multicultural, Catholic community. We seek to live, teach and share the joy of the Gospel; to grow as disciples of Jesus through prayer, witness and action and to respond to the needs of the community in the Gungahlin region and beyond.

Our vision

At Holy Spirit Gungahlin we seek to be a community where:

  • The symbol of the basin and the towel is a constant reminder of our model of service
  • All feel welcome and included
  • Personal, family and communal prayer is encouraged and nurtured
  • We celebrate vibrant, meaningful and inclusive liturgies
  • All are empowered to use their gifts to help our community grow
  • Parish and schools work together collaboratively
  • We are nourished and missioned to be bearers of the Good News in our world.

Our Stained Glass Window

The Stained Glassed Window In The Church Foyer

Here at the entrance to this Sacred Place our Parish Symbol of the Basin and the Towel watches over our community’s gathering, celebrating and sending forth.

The Holy Thursday washing of the feet takes place in the shadow of the cross. The cross is dynamic in shape, colour and form, symbolising that each day brings its own challenges and its own grace.

The flame of the Holy Spirit is wrapped round our community, enfolding us supporting us and directing us to see the touch of God in all the events of our day.

Anchored in the cross and the empowering presence of the Spirit the Basin, Towel and foot washing speak to us of a God, who bends  us in unexpected love, challenging us to serve each other with the same hospitality, dignity and respect.

When we leave this Sacred Place we can be certain the Spirit will go with us, leading us and empowering us to continue our journey of faith and loving service as the Body of Christ in Gungahlin.


Servant God,
In Jesus we see unfolding before us, the
Mystery of you our God,
bending down in loving service to
wash the feet of another.
Promising to be with us always,
you invite us to share in this same
Mystery of love
as you hand to us the Basin and the Towel

“What I have done
so you must also do.” [Jn 13:15]

Relying on the inspiration of your Spirit
to guide, encourage and support,
may we grow as a community
ready to live out your example of
loving service.

We make this prayer through
Christ Our Lord,

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