Rosters! Rosters! Roster!

Thank you to all our wonderful volunteers who fill the ministries at Mass each week and a special thank you to Michael Whyte, who keeps the whole train on the tracks.

Can’t make your rostered task? Use your Pocket Parish App to fix it.

From August, Michael will send you out the monthly roster but no weekly reminders.

Our Parish App will remind you at the right time — please set up your App notifications to remind you early enough.

If you can’t make it, go into the App and remove yourself from the task. This will trigger the App to send that task out to the Volunteers’ Universe and invite someone to take it up. Any qualified volunteer can accept the job.

Easy, easy, easy.

Eucharistic Ministers – please approach the coordinators when you arrive and offer your assistance.

Thank you very much for persevering during these challenging times.

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