Refugee Week begins Saturday, 22 June

Following are suggestions for all of us to consider during the week:

You can keep refugees and asylum seekers in your prayers that they may receive the help and support they need after leaving their homes and escaping from regimes where crime and corruption abound.

You can pray for our Government that they may have compassion for all refugees and asylum seekers and the horrific impact that Australia’s policies have on many people.

You can read the Catholic Voice blog – Anguish that lies behind the smile of this refugee –

You can join in an ecumenical Refugee Week Service on Sunday 23 June at Holy Covenant Anglican Church, 89 Dexter Street, Cook followed by a light supper. Speakers will be Rev Peter Malone from St Paul’s Anglican Church, Manuka and
Megan Watts from Tuggeranong Uniting Church.

You can learn more – on Monday 1 July at 6.30pm at the Copland Lecture Theatre, ANU, Dr Kerryn Phelps and Emeritus Professor John Warhurst will speak at a public forum and Q&A on the Medevac legislation which is in danger of repeal.

You can attend the 6 Years on Manus and Nauru Rally on Saturday 20 July at 1pm on the cnr of Northbourne Avenue and London Circuit, Civic.

Submitted by the Social Justice group. For further information contact Alison weeks on

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