The Eucharist is the most profound experience of God that the Church can offer. It is here that we are nurtured by the life-giving death and resurrection of Jesus, fed his body and blood, taught by his sacred word, and supported and challenged by all the members of the Body of Christ.
In the celebration of Eucharist, the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Christians all over the world gather as a community on Sunday to celebrate the Eucharist. The Mass is central to the life of the Catholic Church. The Mass has two parts of equal importance:
- The Liturgy of the Word which consists of readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful.
- The Liturgy of the Eucharist in which we do as Christ commanded us at the last Supper.
At Mass we are nourished by the word of God and by the Body and Blood of Christ.